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Wales' largest selling daily newspaper
Written by Lawrence Bailey
30 December 2014
plus Scrooge back in business and Time to take a deep breath
23 December 2014
plus Not for profit is misleading and Compliments of the Season
16 December 2014
Should we fear the RIPA?
plus Political incorrectness and What's it all about?
9 December 2014
plus Providing access for all and A taxing problem for Assembly
2 December 2014
plus How to make a destination and Linking up without tears
25 November 2014
Council mergers: cold fusion
plus Keeping it real and Social media strikes again
18 November 2014
Use it or lose it - engaging democracy
plus Time to go global? and Charity with menaces
11 November 2014
The trouble with masterplans
plus Getting creative in High Street and Just a little respect needed
4 November 2014
Europe is the only game in town
plus Watching the language and People power on the wane?
28 October 2014
Marketing the region is a must
plus Summit hits a plateau and Do Not Go Gentle
21 October 2014
plus Coming out of our shell and Plain talking makes a difference
14 October 2014
Energy industry and student power
plus It's the message that counts and Where's the bike lane?
7 October 2014
plus Practical planning needed and Hitting entirely the wrong note
30 September 2014
plus Top man, top job and Follow the money
23 September 2014
plus Change isn't always by design and Not just about the numbers
16 September 2014
plus Changing face of government and Act of disunion?
9 September 2014
plus An act of thanksgiving and No jam tomorrow
2 September 2014
26 August 2014
plus Games deserve accolade and Pride in the past
19 August 2014
plus Planning the big picture and gesture politics
12 August 2014
5 August 2014
Is more groundwork needed over fracking?
plus Preparation is everything and Time to change partners
29 July 2014
Who really feels the benefit?
plus Questions and answers and Make you views known
22 July 2014
Does Wales really need a Secretary of State?
15 July 2014
Playing the generations game in Wales
plus Tiger economies have teeth and Store Wars: Attack or retreat?
8 July 2014
Fuel duty idea on the right road
plus Going down the wrong track and Unity can mean protection
1 July 2014
So who can we trust anyway?
plus Hospitality making a mark and A little recognition means a lot
Why fix what might not be broken?
plus Spotlight on success and Project generates interest
17 June 2014
Capital investment can teach us lessons
plus Giving the past a future and Enterprising times ahead
10 June 2014
Boulevard: same question, same answer
plus Sixty-five and counting and Making a real difference
3 June 2014
Electrification is the spark we need
plus - Can't get no satisfaction and Under Scrutiny
27 May 2014
Protest politics can be a dangerous game
plus - Broadband is the weakest link and Claiming back High Street
20 May 2014
Freedom of information: the truth is out there
13 May 2014
It's no longer enough to go with the flow
6 May 2014
Surveys are just a matter of opinion
29 April 2014
Car parking: a tale of upset and excess
Boosting tourism begins at home
15 April 2014
When plans don't quite piece together
8 April 2014
Time to get into the business of improvement
1 April 2014
What's the cost of green machine anyway?
25 March 2014
Small steps needed to make a big difference
18 March 2014
Is city centre regeneration becoming an urban myth?
11 March 2014
It was never about the price of coal
4 March 2014
So what is Europe for anyway?
25 Feb 2014
It's time that we all talked rubbish
18 Feb 2014
Do we get the politicians we deserve?
11 Feb 2014
Heritage is what you make of it
4 Feb 2014
Regeneration comes at a price - but who pays?
Challenging forecast for Welsh public services
21 Jan 2014
Putting out the word about poor quality
14 Jan 2014
Change very much on the agenda at Cardiff Bay
7 Jan 2014
Can Swansea Bay get in shape for the future?
Articles from 2013